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Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course! START HERE

    2. How to use this course

    1. What is Food Science, and How Can It Help Me Improve My Cooking Skills?

    2. What Food Scientists Do & How That Helps Me At The Grocery Store

    3. My Career In The Food Industry - An Example of One Food Scientist's Journey

    4. Burning Bridges - and Me With A Beard!

    5. Why Do Food Companies Make Food Addictive?

    6. EKCC: Lemon Meringue Pie

    7. Optional: Thought Provoking Essay Question

    8. Optional: Section 1 Review

    9. Optional: Section 1 Test

    1. Optional: Elements and the Periodic Table

    2. Optional: Charges and Mass

    3. Optional: Chemical Bonding and Bond Strength

    4. Optional: Molecular Weight

    5. Optional: Temperature, Mass, and Length Measurements

    6. Optional: What Do You Think?

    7. Optional: Thought Provoking Essay

    8. Optional: Section 2 Review

    9. Optional: Section 2 Test

    1. What Is Processed Food and Should I Eat Things I Can't Pronounce?

    2. Mystery Ingredients...Explained!

    3. A Commercially Processed Food Example: Frosted Shredded Wheat

    4. My Food Philosophy

    5. EKCC: GMO's

    6. Optional: What Do You Think?

    7. Optional: Thought Provoking Essay

    8. Optional: Section 3 Review

    9. Optional: Section 3 Test

    1. The Five Basic Components of Food

    2. Proximate Analysis: Measuring Water, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, and Ash

    3. The Nutrition Facts Label

    4. Optional: What Do You Think?

    5. Optional: Thought Provoking Essay Question

    6. Optional: Section 4 Review

    7. Optional: Section 4 Test

    1. Water Science: An Overview

    2. Bipolar Nature & Hydrogen Bonds

    3. Water Activity

    4. Solutions, Colloidal Dispersions, Suspensions, and Colligative Properties: Stuff in Water

    5. The Formation of Ice & Hydrogen Bonds

    6. Phase Changes - This Is Really Cool Stuff, And The Pun Is Intended!

    7. Dew Point vs. Relative Humidity

    8. EKCC: Ice Cream, A Great Example

    9. Water Experiment #1: Water Activity and Moisture Balance INTRODUCTION

    10. Water Experiment #1: Water Activity and Moisture Balance PROCEDURES

    11. Water Experiment #1: Water Activity and Moisture Balance Discussion - THE EDIBLE KNOWLEDGE

    12. Water Experiment #2: Crystal Density INTRODUCTION

    13. Water Experiment #2: Crystal Density PROCEDURES

    14. Water Experiment #2: Crystal Density -The EDIBLE KNOWLEDGE

    15. Water Activity Review- the important concept you see every day but never knew!

    16. Water Experiment #3: Surface Tension - INTRODUCTION

    17. Water Experiment #3: Surface Tension PROCEDURES

    18. Water Experiment #3: Surface Tension - THE EDIBLE KNOWLEDGE

    19. Water Experiment #4: Pepper, Water, and Soap INTRODUCTION

    20. Water 2 Experiment #4: Classification of Stuff in Water PROCEDURES

    21. Carbohydrates Experiment #4: Solution and Crystal Separation THE EDIBLE KNOWLEDGE

    22. Water Activity Review- the important concept you see every day but never knew!

    23. Water Experiment #5: Surface Tension and Temperature PROCEDURES

    24. Water Experiment #5: Surface Tension and Temperature THE EDIBLE KNOWLEDGE

    25. Water Experiment #5: Surface Tension and Temperature INTRODUCTION

    26. Optional: What Do You Think?

    27. Optional: Thought Provoking Essay

    28. Optional: Section 5 Review

    29. Optional: Section 5 Test

About this course

  • $995.00
  • 185 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content