Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course! START HERE

    1. Glossary

    1. What is Food Science, and How Can It Help Me Improve My Cooking Skills?

    2. What Food Scientists Do & How That Helps Me At The Grocery Store

    3. My Career In The Food Industry - An Example of One Food Scientist's Journey

    4. Burning Bridges - and Me With A Beard!

    5. EKCC: Bacon

    6. Journaling Idea

    7. Section 1 Review

    8. Section 1 Test

    1. Elements and the Periodic Table

    2. Charges and Mass

    3. Chemical Bonding and Bond Strength

    4. Molecular Weight

    5. Temperature, Mass, and Length Measurements

    6. What Do You Think?

    7. Journaling Idea

    8. Section 2 Review

    9. Section 2 Test

    1. What Is Processed Food and Should I Eat Things I Can't Pronounce?

    2. Mystery Ingredients...Explained!

    3. A Commercially Processed Food Example: Frosted Shredded Wheat

    4. My Food Philosophy

    5. EKCC: GMO's

    6. What Do You Think?

    7. Journaling Idea

    8. Section 3 Review

    9. Section 3 Test

    1. The Five Basic Components of Food

    2. Proximate Analysis: Measuring Water, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, and Ash

    3. The Nutrition Facts Label

    4. What Do You Think?

    5. Journaling Idea

    6. Section 4 Review

    7. Section 4 Test

About this course

  • $495.00
  • 182 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content