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  • $209.00

    Food Science for Kids! with PDF

    2 years access to the course, plus a pdf download of Introduction to Food Science for Kids!, yours forever, for just $9 more (retails for $29.95).
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  • $221.00

    Food Science for Kids! with Print Book

    2 years access to the course, plus a print copy of Introduction to Food Science for Kids!, yours forever, for just $15 more (retails for $29.95), plus $4 shipping.
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Course description

While the other courses in the Edible Knowledge® series are designed for ages 10 and up, Food Science: For Kids! is designed for children as young as 6.  Inlcudes 17 sections with fun experiments including Soft and Fresh to Stale and Old: Bread, Plus Egg Men Attack!, Fun with Cows and Whipping Cream!, Gluey, Gooey Gluten…in our Food?, Cream That’s Icey and Smooth…And Lumpy?!, and many more.  Access is included for 2 full years. It is our hope at Beakers & Bricks that you will thoroughly enjoy learning about food science... 

Knowledge that is truly Edible! 

Course Outline

    1. An Important Note from Dale

    2. How to use this course

    3. Items needed for all the experiments

    1. The Five Components of Food

    1. Experiment Introduction

    2. The Things You Need

    3. Procedures Overview

    4. Printable Procedures

    5. Video Procedures: Part 1, Making Whipped Cream

    6. The Edible Knowledge: Part 1, Making Whipped Cream

    7. Video Procedures: Part 2, Canned and Homemade Whipped Cream Comparison

    8. The Edible Knowledge: Part 2, Canned Whipped Cream

    9. Video Procedures: Part 3, Making Butter

    10. The Edible Knowledge: Part 3, Making Butter

    11. What did you think?

    1. Experiment Introduction

    2. The Things You Need

    3. Procedures Overview

    4. Printable Procedures

    5. Video Procedures: Choosing Your Bread

    6. Video Procedures: The Experiment, The First Day

    7. While You're Waiting: Make Some Egg Men!

    8. Procedures: 10 Days Later

    9. The Edible Knowledge

    10. What did you think?

    1. Experiment Introduction

    2. The Things You Need

    3. Procedures Overview

    4. Printable Procedures

    5. Video Procedures: Part 1, Plain Cornstarch

    6. The Edible Knowledge: Part 1, Plain Cornstarch

    7. Video Procedures: Part 2, Chocolate Pudding

    8. The Edible Knowledge, Part 2, Chocolate Pudding

    9. Video Procedures: Part 3, Observations After 7 Days

    10. The Edible Knowledge, Part 3, Observations

    11. What did you think?

    1. Experiment Introduction

    2. The Things You Need

    3. Procedures Overview

    4. Printable Procedures

    5. Video Procedures: Making the Meringue

    6. Video Procedures: Baking and Evaluating the Meringue

    7. The Edible Knowledge

    8. What did you think?

About this course

  • $70.00
  • 147 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content
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